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| General Electric 8DW58Y4 Exposure Meter

General Electric 8DW58Y4 Exposure Meter

Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №1
Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №2
Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №3
Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №4
Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №5
Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №6
Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №7
Экспонометр General Electric 8DW58Y4 фото №8
Photoexponometer for assistance in setting shooting parameters
Working capacity is unknown.
Production: USA
In stock: 1 pcs.
  • Operability unknown

    The kit includes a case
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