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Medium format

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Плёночные камеры среднего формата со всеми размерами фотоснимка в хорошем состоянии 
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Currently, medium-format cameras are considered cameras for professionals, although many amateurs shoot on this kind of camera and are very happy with them. But to unlock the full potential of large format cameras, you really need to bother a lot and invest a lot of effort and money.

The larger format implies increased dimensions and weight of the camera. Also, these cameras have a smaller optical aperture, which automatically lengthens the shutter speed, and it turns out that you can shoot on a wide film without a tripod only in limited situations.

The main advantage of the medium format is the size of the image at the output, it is really huge - no digit or DSLR can catch up with the film in pixels. And of course the quality of optics!

And also do not forget that the film 120mm is almost always more expensive and it has only 12 frames (35mm-36 frames).

The medium format is divided into 3 categories-Rangefinder =for example Bessa R, Dual-lens mirror-for example Yashica Mat and Single-lens mirror-for example Pentacon Six TL.

In our store you can buy cameras Bronica , Pentacon Six,Yashica Mat,Mamiya,Belair and many other interesting models.