1. Dissolve the contents of a small package in 700 ml of water 40-45 °C. The package should be rinsed from the inside with a small amount of warm water and drained into a working solution.
2. After completely dissolving the small package, dissolve the contents of the large one. It is also advisable to rinse a large package with water from the inside. 3. Bring the volume of water to 1 liter and cool the solution to operating temperature. Filter if necessary.Using distilled water will significantly increase the durability of the solution.
Operating temperature: 19-25 °C
Average processing time: 90 sec.
Limit of use: 20-25 prints 18x24 cm (at least 1 sq.m. of photo paper)
Storage conditions
Store in a dark, cool place. In dry form, the developer is stored for at least 1 year. Working solution - at least 1 month in a tightly closed container filled under the throat. Partially used solution - 1-2 weeks. Sediment formation is possible, if necessary, filter.