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C-41 KIT 600 cc

Photochemistry for self-developing and printing photos.
C-41 KIT 600 cc фото №1
C-41 KIT 600 cc фото №2
C-41 KIT 600 cc фото №3
C-41 KIT 600 cc фото №4
C-41 KIT 600 cc фото №5
C-41 KIT 600 cc фото №6
A special set for chemical-photographic processing of chromogenic negative panchromatic photographic materials C-41 KIT 600 cc is designed for self-production of five working solutions from liquid concentrates (color development, conditioning, bleaching, fixing and stabilization) for obtaining color negatives on photosensitive photographic materials.
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  • All color negative films designed for the C-41 profile can be exposed at a higher exposure index and developed with a longer nominal developer time (a process called push).

    Processing time conversion factors for push +1: 1.28; +2: 1.75; +3: 2.50. Resource capacity of the kit: at least 10 roll films type 135/120.

    The shelf life of unopened concentrates away from direct sunlight at a temperature not exceeding room temperature is 18 months.

    Link to the manual:
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