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Film cameras (all items are presented in this section used  -BU)<br>
The warranty on the light meter not applicable. All light meters default -conditional is not working.
ФЭД-2 фото №1
In 1955 the company launched mass production of the model "fed-2", which is an improved version of the "fed". The main difference between "fed-2" from the "fed" is the removable rear panel and the combination of rangefinder and viewfinder.

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In addition to the camera, the kit includes
  • Индустар - 26м
  • Rangefinder film camera. Fit optics M 39. The range of shutter speeds: B, 1/25 - 1/500. 
    The shutter works very gently. Robust die-cast housing. Extended base length (precision aiming). 

    Diopter vision correction. Avtopusk.

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