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Film cameras (all items are presented in this section used  -BU)<br>
The warranty on the light meter not applicable. All light meters default -conditional is not working.
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Nikon produces cameras with 1946. Initially rangefinder camera, and in 1959 came the first SLR camera Nikon F

To our time survived a huge number of film cameras by Nikon, they are divided into mechanical and electronic.

Mechanical models all settings are set manually, in electronics the same as you can do everything in auto mode, and hands.

Please note that the built-in exposure meters in the mechanical models often do not work or lie, so it doesn't cost them much to trust.

Of course the camera is with different number of exposures,different types of housings with replaceable battery units, the option to set mine, etc.

Everyone can find a camera you like and can afford.

Also film cameras nikon have a very good quality optics.

If you think about manual camera nikon, pay attention to models: Nikon FA,Nikon FG,Nikon FM,Nikon FE,Nikon FM3A,Nikon EM,Nikon FM2,Nikon FE2,Nikkormat,Nikon F,Nikon F2, Nikon F3

If we consider the more modern models that pay attention to Nikon F55,F65,F60,F75,F80,F90,F100,F4,N50,F601,F50,F5