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| Action Sampler Transparent (markdown)

Action Sampler Transparent (markdown)

Пленочные фотоаппараты (все товары представленный в данном разделе Бывшие в употреблении  -БУ)
Гарантия на экспонометр не распространяется. Все экспонометры по умолчанию - условно не рабочие, если не указано обратное в описании камеры.
Action Sampler Transparent (уценка) фото №1
Action Sampler Transparent (уценка) фото №2
Action Sampler Transparent (уценка) фото №3
Action Sampler Transparent (уценка) фото №4
Action Sampler Transparent (уценка) фото №5
Action Sampler Transparent (уценка) фото №6
The camera, which the creators also call a photo-photo-photo-camera because of the four lenses that allow you to capture four images taken at intervals of a quarter of a second and then brought together in one picture.

Out of stock
The reason for the markdown: small scratches and scuffs on the case
  • You found yourself at a party that takes place in the open air, went on a picnic with friends, walking around the city alone, and you have ActionSampler Transparent with you - rest assured, you will get wonderful photos.

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