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digital cameras

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  • Все камеры проверены и прошли предпродажную подготовку.
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We offer you digital and SLR cameras. Among the available options are products from Panasonic, Nikon, Canon, Fujifilm. The cameras are compact and easy to use. Equipped with two modes (automatic and manual), they will be an excellent tool in the hands of not only photography professionals, but also novice amateur photographers.

Our offers

Unlike analog cameras, digital cameras are easy to operate. The preset automatic mode does not require the user to know the basics of photography. Just press the shutter button and the picture is ready. all captured footage is stored on removable digital media and can be easily transferred from one storage device to another. Digital equipment is convenient to take with you on trips, non-professional models do not take up much space.

The store contains both new cameras and models of former use. Before getting into the catalog of used equipment passes a full diagnosis. In the description of the camera, you will find data on its mileage (measured in frames) and configuration. 

All cameras are guaranteed. The failed camera will be repaired or replaced with a similar one.

In addition to cameras, whale lenses and SD cards are available for sale.

What distinguishes our products

Our store is:

a large selection of cameras and a professional approach to business.

detailed advice from managers (our employees know everything about their niche);

low cost of goods (here you can buy cheap working used models that are not inferior in quality to new ones, while they will cost less);

convenient ordering (the ability to buy a camera in a few clicks);

fast delivery (we deliver equipment by courier in Moscow and outside the Moscow Ring Road, as well as to other cities of Russia by Russian post or transport company);

the opportunity to order urgent delivery.

buying digital cameras in our salon is a choice in favor of high-quality and reliable equipment at affordable prices. for many years, we have been pleasing our customers with high-quality excellent photographic equipment from world manufacturers.