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Film cameras (all items are presented in this section used  -BU)<br>
The warranty on the light meter not applicable. All light meters default -conditional is not working.
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Japanese company releases a minolta film camera in 1929, but the first single lens reflex cameras  SLR  camera Minolta was only released in 1958, it was the camera Minolta SR-2.

Like all film cameras, the company produced a purely mechanical camera and closer to 80m years went on the machines.

But much safer and more interesting of course mechanical film camera minolta .

Shop Wonderfoto  in Moscow, you can buy a camera;Minolta XG-2,Minolta SRT 101,Minolta SR-1,Minolta x-300s,Minolta X-7 and many other cameras.

And we have many types of cameras and Minolta Dynax film cameras minolta

Among cameras minolta  there are legends,such as :

In the SR-T101 was installed the prototype matrix measure exposure,as well as in  the viewfinder field of view which display information about the exposure, lock the mirror in upper position for use with wide angle lenses and the choice of depth of field, which allowed the photographer to capture the required aperture to achieve the desired effect.